Cake Stand Clarity

Cake Stand Clarity

We've all had an 'aha moment' at one point or another. A moment of sudden comprehension. Usually it's a pretty great feeling, after you've spent days trying to work out a problem, and then WHAM like a stroke of genius, it finally makes sense! Everything's awesome, you feel great, how did you not see it before? Those are the good aha moments. However there is also the more depressing version.  For instance; let's say, after a very long, cozy, pasta-eating winter you pull out your bathing suit, excited ready for spring. Until you're right in the middle of pulling it on, and are suddenly struck down with the fact that you have indeed put on an extra 15 pounds. Everything stinks, you feel gross, how did you not see it before?

Well let's just say something like the sad version happened with me, my tiny kiln, and my too large cake stand. 

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Needless to say a few decisions have been made.

I will soon have access to a bigger kiln so I can finally start working on a bigger more cost effective scale. I sadly won't be putting these up on my shop, but this is not the last you will see of these cake stands. Especially since I have quite a few already made, If all goes accordingly they will be back, glazed and fired later on this year.

The Trunchbull Cake

The Trunchbull Cake

Learning About Glaze!

Learning About Glaze!