Making a Double Walled Form
Double walled is simply a form with two walls that shares one bottom. I created a lovely diagram below to show the difference between the two. Now it might seem that making a double walled object on the wheel is more complicated than a single walled object, but, just like anything, it takes practice. Don't be intimidated. I have a whole bunch of great pics below if anyone out there wants to give it a go.
Getting those pictures however has been such a struggle. Even though I know how important it is to document the ceramic process, taking pictures in the kitchen is just so much easier than in the studio. Constantly getting interrupted and taken out of the mind set of throwing is a bit jarring for me. So until I get around to purchasing a tripod and a wireless camera remote the process involves a lot of stop and go. Sit down, start throwing, stop, get up, wash my hands, grab the camera, take a photo, get back on the wheel. Repeat.
I know it's totally worth it, I just have to remember to make it a priority. I definitely don't want this blog to just be about food. Now that I have wonderful process shots of a pretty complex form for everyone to use it will hopefully give me the motivation to keep on documenting more of the studio.
Now, besides the extra time it takes to pull two walls I personally thought the most difficult part of making a Bundt pan was creating the ridges. Nobody wants uneven, wonky ridges on their Bundt cake. Clean ridges, is what makes the cake so appealing, and it's what invites icing to be poured over it. However, I discovered that the wet clay has to dry a bit before adding the ridges. Otherwise the form will start to wibble, wobble, and then collapse right in front of you. At this point there is no going back, I recommend letting it sit for a few hours or take a heat gun to it.
Being able to actually pull the cake out of the pan, is also incredibly important. That means that there can be no undercuts. An undercut is a term that means to cut under or beneath, and leave a portion overhanging. Imagine trying to pull a cake out of these two diagrams up above. A cake is going to get caught on the lip of that second example, and is definitely not going to come out of there without being destroyed first.
Let's recap!
First, when designing your pan make sure there are no undercuts. Once you get on the wheel don't get discouraged with the double walls. It's ceramics so I can assure you that you will fail, but just keep trying. Once you have the form down make sure to let the clay dry before adding the ridges. Other than that have fun, and if there are any hobby potters out there please send me pics of your ceramic Bundt pans. I would love to see them!